My church Pilgrim UCC has a wonderful adult education program. It is held during Sunday school. I occasionally go, that is if the subject peaks my interest. The last two weeks has been on local food and where to find it. Of course that interested me! The first class gave reasons why, such as fresher, using less resource to get it to you, knowing where your food is coming from etc. Well that really was exciting. Paul and Sara Huber, the couple that did the presentation is starting a CSA farm this summer. Those of you who are not familiar with CSA it is community supported agriculture. You get a "share" for an annual price, approximately $40 a week. So I know I spend way more that that a week on produce! This is the exciting part, I am going to work the farm for me share! For each share it is 4 hours a week. I can handle that! I love gardening and to work with a young couple that has even more passion that me that is a bonus. I will be starting in April, I am sure I will have plenty of fun stuff to say when that time comes.
that sounds fun!!! and free produce...awesome!